Summer Show

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Summer Show 8th July 2023

If you have any photos from the show that you would like to add please send them to

Sweet peas pink and red

A single red rose in a small green vase

A large pink flowered fuchsia

Flower arrangements in unusual containers

Three rose blooms in a small glass vase - white, red and lilac

A red flowered pot plant

Vases of different coloured roses on the show bench

A plate of three globe beetroot, one cut in half

Seven plates of white potatoes, five on each

… and a few more from John Riley

An over view of the show benches

The cacti and succulents bench

The pot plants bench

The pot plants bench with refreshments ladies in the background

A view down the length of the flowers bench

A prickly cactus in a light blue pot

A view down the length of the pot plants bench

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